Returns and Refund Policy
If you wish to return any items from your order, you have 15 days from the day you received your order to request a return. Please do so by emailing with your order number and reason for return.
To receive a full refund we require the item to be returned to us in the same condition you received it. It must not be damaged, no signs of use and with original the labels and packaging.
If your return is accepted you will receive instructions on how to ship your items back to us.
Once the return is processed, you’ll receive a refund to the payment method you used for your purchase. Should your refund be declined we will contact you with the reason why.
In the unlikely event that all or part of your order arrives damaged, drop us a line as soon as possible to along with photos of the damages and the packaging. These will be used to file a damages claim with the relevant carrier.
Please note: return shipping costs are non refundable expect with items damaged during transit.
Custom and sale items are non refundable, but please get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns about your order.
Unfortunately we do not accept exchanges at the moment, instead return your original order and place a separate order for any new items.
Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.